We are in a great place.
A grand place that we can never reach with our understanding alone.
We can be grateful for that first, not so much for what we understand, but for what we don't understand, and if we can think of it that way, we can be grateful for every day.
We have to let go of the things we cannot control, the course of nature, nuclear power plants (dare I say it), even the neighbor's lawn, people's happiness and unhappiness, and such things.
In order to let go, we must first look into our own hearts.
In the first place, there must have been predecessors who dreamed of things they could not control.
There must have been a time when the world was enriched by such a dream.
However, I believe that the coming age will be an age in which the essence, the true meaning, and such things can be easily understood.
I would like to think about letting go now, and move forward looking at my future choices, my involvement in the community, and myself.
My theme for 2024 is release.
I'd like to try this as a theme and see if I let go too much, and then maybe I'll chase after something this time, or something like that.
#2024theme #release